Providing quality practical face-to-face training
AusHealth College of Vibrant Therapies

About the Course
AusHealth College of Vibrant Therapies offers the following clinical hypnotherapy courses.
Practitioner Certificate of Hypnotherapy (Levels 1 to 3)
Graduates can apply for membership with the International Institute for Complementary Therapists
Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy (Levels 1 to 6)
Graduates can apply for membership with the Australian Society of Clinical Hypnotherapists at Intern Professional level
Training is provided in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere with small classes to allow for individual attention. Students are assessed at each level and given extra support, if required.
Practitioner Certificate of Hypnotherapy
The Practitioner Certificate of Hypnotherapy consists of Level 1 to Level 3 and is designed for those wishing a career as a hypnotherapy practitioner. Each level has 4 days of face-to-face training and provides plenty of opportunity for practical sessions and practice for conducting both client interviews and taking a client under hypnosis.
Level 1
At the end of Level 1, students will:
the history and origin of Hypnotherapy;
the theory of mind;
the theory of suggestibility;
what is a hypnotic state?’; and
why and how an individual gets into a hypnotic state;
be able to:
conduct an interview with a client to know their issues;
determine whether a client is a physically suggestible or an emotionally suggestible person;
put a willing person in a hypnotic state through the arm-raising induction method;
use one or two fast induction methods;
use deepening techniques;
use awakening techniques;
use the self-hypnosis techniques for themselves;
help others do self-hypnosis and use suggestions for self-development; and
help address behavioural issues of an individual through hypnosis such as stress reduction, self-confidence, focus and concentration, self-esteem and goal accomplishment.
Level 2
At the end of Level 2, students will:
the various hypnotic modalities;
the basics of Ericksonian hypnosis;
indirect suggestions;
the basis of Kappasinian hypnosis;
the duty of care and obligations of a hypnotherapist;
the various hypno-diagnostic tools and their uses;
the basics of dream therapy;
hypno drama and how to utilise it;
different stages of development;
about body syndromes;
the procedures for hypnotic extinction of fears and phobias;
the procedures for hypnotic extinction of anxiety; and
the medical model of hypnosis.
Level 3
At the end of Level 3, students will:
child hypnosis;
the medical model of Hypnosis;
the scheduling of Hypnotherapy sessions;
different approaches for interviewing clients;
family systems;
functional families and traits of dysfunctional families;
the roles of children in dysfunctional families; and
the inner child;
be able to:
manage pain through Hypnosis;
help clients with inner child issues.
Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy
The Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy follows on from the Practitioner Certificate of Hypnotherapy course with Levels 4, 5 and 6, and is designed for those wishing to further their skills in their career as a hypnotherapy practitioner. Levels 4 and 5 consist of 4 days of face-to-face training and will show hypnotherapists how to delve deeper into client issues and provide further techniques to assist clients with smoking, substance abuse, weight control/eating disorders, crisis intervention as well as an introduction to NLP. Level 6 consists of 2 days of face-to-face training and 2 days online training for students to be able to conduct online sessions with clients.
Level 4
At the end of Level 4, students will:
couple’s therapy;
the sex and cycle days for the physical sexual (PS) client and emotional sexual (ES) client;
the multicultural consideration in counselling;
the five stages of loss;
when and how to perform cord cutting under hypnosis;
reasons for drug and alcohol abuse;
be able to:
determine the physical sexuality (PS) and emotional sexuality (ES) of a client;
provide relationship counselling and negotiation;
use the family systems approach to understand the issues of a client;
address the issues of low blood sugar, eating disorders, sexual dysfunction, weight control, habit control, smoking, substance abuse and suicide.
Level 5
At the end of Level 5, students will:
crisis intervention;
motivation and how to motivate;
defence mechanisms;
use of "SCILLS" - Subconscious Creation and Investment in Life-Long Success;
the 5 “P”s of marketing;
confidentiality in maintaining records;
advertising and promotion of hypnotherapy; and
setting up a successful practice;
be able to:
use NLP and its techniques to help clients;
address depression;
address explosive personality disorder; and
address memory enhancement.
Level 6
At the end of Level 6, students will:
various methods on providing online sessions; and
the methods and precautions necessary for online therapy;
be able to:
conduct an online interview with a client; and
confidently provide online sessions.